我哋喺啱啱2023年12月21日確認Ministers已經接受建議,喺符合其餘簽證申請條件下,等候政治庇護嘅BN(O) Visa申請人唔會因為喺等候庇護期間嘅immigration bail而導致簽證申請被拒絕。
過去曾經因為等候庇護而被拒絕簽證申請嘅朋友應該要聯絡UK Visas and Immigration以獲取進一步嘅協助。
喺呢度多謝過去並肩協力同我哋關注呢件事嘅SMPs, 特別係South East Strategic Partnership for Migration (SESPM)、Home Office BN(O) Route Policy Team、本地及各在英港人組織。亦都同時感謝曾經協助分享、熱烈討論同埋提供意見畀我哋嘅各位。
當然,係咪選擇申請BN(O) Visa,應由當事人自行判斷考慮,但如果關於呢項政策有任何疑問,亦歡迎聯絡港援 Hong Kong Aid 查詢 t.me/HongKongAid or 020 8432 3286
P.S. 我哋之前曾經提醒如果有 尋求緊庇護嘅朋友,收到面試通知、獲批或拒絕,而又唔知點做嘅可以聯絡我哋
https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=392640806484082&id=100072144963770 ; 近來我哋了解到有一啲人甚至被 Home Office通知自己嘅庇護聲請被withdrawn, 如果有遇到呢方面情況嘅朋友都可以聯絡我哋㗎。
[Updates on BNO Visa Applications when pending Asylum Decision]
We are delighted to announce that as of 21st December 2023, it has been confirmed that the Minister has accepted the proposal, ensuring that individuals under immigration bail due to a pending asylum claim will not face refusal of their BN(O) route application solely for that reason, provided they meet all other necessary requirements.
Those who previously experienced visa rejections while on immigration bail during asylum waiting are strongly encouraged to contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) for further assistance and consideration regarding their BN(O) visa application.
We would extend our gratitude to the SMPs who collaborated with Hong Kong Aid and those actively involved in addressing this matter, especially the South East Strategic Partnership for Migration (SESPM), BN(O) Route Policy Team Home Office , local and Hongkonger-led community organisations in the UK. We also appreciate everyone who assisted, shared insights, engaged in discussions, and provided valuable input on this matter.
For some asylum seekers, this news is a long-awaited Christmas gift. If anyone has inquiries about this announcement, please feel free to contact Hong Kong Aid via t.me/HongKongAid or 020 8432 3286.